Origins of Baccarat

Early Origins
The origins of baccarat date back to the middle ages in Europe. At that time, the game was played with a Tarot deck and play was based on the nine Etruscan gods. As Baccarat spread across the continent it was targeted by the Church as the work of devil.
European Baccarat
In Europe, Baccarat evolved into a game suited to the upper classes of society, and was renamed "Chemin de Fer." Though the game was alternately legal and illegal over the centuries, it never lost its hold on the aristocracy as a popular pastime. In the 1900's, European baccarat was established in the grand casinos of the French Riviera. As online casinos started to flourish across Europe, baccarat and Online Poker became one of the most played casino game online.
American Baccarat
The origins of the Baccarat game found in America reach through several different countries. In the 1950's, the game was called "Punto y Banca" in Argentina. From here it traveled to Havana and then America. By the mid 1950's, this version of baccarat could be found in Las Vegas casinos. The same baccarat game is now played throughout America, Australia and England.
Despite it's origins as an exclusive game for the upper echelons of society, baccarat has since spread to serve the masses. Today anyone can play baccarat online from the comfort of home, same with the fun craps online.